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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Help with CopperCube
Webgl WebXR

2024-03-08 00:54:47

Alright guys, I am going to try to be as detailed as i can. I am Noobski and its nice to meet those who i havnt had the chance to already. Today i hope to start and create with joined efforts from the community. Alright, now lets get to business. I have been working on a Multiplayer Vr coppercube game for about 2 months now and i was a beginner at this in general before that period. Now, i know we no longer have native VR support but that doesnt mean we cant recreate our own. Today i am going to display a script of code that basically will be our foundation and right now it basically gets us there, depending on how you define that. lol! But so right now i have create a custom XR button in my main scene. When clicked on this button it reloads the entire game in the same page on your browser, except this time if you watch your browsers developer tools, you will see this time it has Displayed 1. That VR support is supported in your browser or not depending on what your using im using (Microsoft edge). 2. That you have Started a XR Session. Depending what camera you are using you will be able to tell, before i press the button i cannot drag my screens view in a full 360, I am currently using 3rd person camera targeting my player model, but when i press the button and everything reloads i am able to completely like a regular vr game drag my view all the way around in a 360. Currently right now you will notice your game screen flickering constantly. The console shows i am in immersive mode and a XR Session is being taken place. So yeah that's where I am currently. As i stated before @-3Months ago i was a beginner and didnt know how to do anything. And once i started on trying to implement XR, it took me days to get to this point. Im talking abouts HOURS AND HOURS a day and night. Now using this as our foundation i hope that myself and the community and join together to take this and create an extensive Behavior_ that will allow us full XR support in our future developments! This script shows that we can communicate with our browsers from within our coppercube game, and that xr is fully integrated into our browsers, so we dont need an external sdk, all we need is to come together! Although i may be able to finish this by myself, it would take me months i presume, but joined we can create the Tower Of Babel! Noobski- code will follow

2024-03-08 00:59:55

give me a few im trying to post code but it keeps saying it looks like spam

2024-03-08 04:26:24

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