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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Help with CopperCube
.obj mesh disappears when preview starts

Registered User
2024-05-01 02:47:20

Ok, so now I have this problem.
Since an .fbx or .glb won't actually allow me to import my model correctly as it is badly displaced and the textures are missing then; I decided to import it as a .obj. That worked perfectly and my model is right there.
Until I preview.
I gave it a couple of behaviours like the game control and the collision and also attached a third person camera to it. The camera looks at its exact location but the object is just not there. I also attached the camera to a different movable object (A cube) and that thing works fine. Even with that thing active, I can't find the model of mine anywhere.
Help plz.

Registered User
2024-05-01 02:54:21

Heck like, its animations disappear too. In fbx, the model and textures are broken while in obj the animations and VISIBILITY are broken.

2024-05-02 05:12:38

Hey there, only .fbx, .ms3d, .x and .b3d models have animation support in CopperCube, any other format will have no animations. For example, .obj will have no animations in CopperCube.

Please read the documentation as well !!

Registered User
2024-05-02 13:35:43

Yeah, I knew that. But when I import it as .fbx, the model gets displaced. For example, I have a rigged character with a sword in blender. When I import this character, the character appears tiny and the sword appears completely unrotated while it is huge. So what can I do?

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