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Problems with importing models. (Losing my mind)

Registered User
2024-05-01 03:06:49

This, is ALL my model is (With a hidden rig and animations)

.fbx and .glb don't work as they remove the textures and the object is messed up like someone's math homework
.obj allows the textures and puts the object right but the animations are missing and my model is a literal action figure. And then when I start a preview, the model gets stage fright or something and completely disappears.


Somebody help me out here!

<Sorry, I can't get how to import an image into the post. The links to the images are below, not that you'll need them... Much>

2024-05-02 05:10:48

You need to make sure your model is combined into one

.FBX models most of the time need to be a single model. So just select the sword model and the player and then press Ctrl+J in blender to join them into one. If you have other models as well along with sword then join them as well.

Also while joining the models make sure the UV names for the models are same, otherwise your textures might get messed up. So have the same UV names for all the models, when joining the models in blender and then export them as .fbx

They should appear correctly then.

Hope that helps :)

Registered User
2024-05-02 13:40:43

How did I miss this!? I thought that the single model thing was just for textures.
It worked, thanks!
Several thanks!

Registered User
2024-05-02 13:47:32

Oh, wait. The animations are gone again.
Yes, the model was imported as .fbx.

I think it is something about the rig that is doing all this. The character is parented to the metarig with automatic weights. But the sword is parented to the metarig with bone. Could that be causing problems?

2024-05-02 15:16:46

You need to make additional animations for the sword as well.

I would suggest you to export the sword separately as a static individual object and the player with animations as different object.

and then import both of them in Coppercube. One as static model (sword), another one as animated model (player), then right click the animated model then go to modify selection and attach a node to animated joint, select the joint for the hand in which you want the sword.
A new folder with the joint name will be created for that animated object.

Now drag your sword object in the scenegraph explorer and make it a children of that folder that was created for the joint. Now your sword will follow the animation of the joint.

Hope that helps and I didn't make it sound complicated :)

Registered User
2024-05-02 16:43:02

Eyyyyyyyy, it works! So, I have to do this for every held object as in, it is some limitation. Well, I don't mind. I'm just glad that my model is not messed up anymore. Thanks!

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