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forum topic indicator forum really silence
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Registered User
2024-06-30 09:46:08

forum really silence these days

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Registered User
2024-06-30 10:50:31

Well, it's summer in the northen hemisphere, everyone's enjoying their vacations. You can also join unofficial discord group, or JIC's server, it's a bit more lively there (not too much).

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2024-06-30 13:26:04

Yeah, people tend less towards the CopperCube game engine because of a boost in AI stuff. Also, there have been more trollers and scammers on the forum, it's hard to track them down. There have been fewer legitimate posts and more repetitive questions.

But still, forums are good places to showcase and share stuff and views. Discord is a much better way of communicating and resolving queries in real-time.

Here is a link to the GV server and the unofficial Discord group if you ever want to join.

Glitched Velocity:-


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Registered User
2024-06-30 18:19:56

Hi o139! I'm here and I notice this too!

I'm not developing a game right now, I have ideas to create but I'm just resting in developing games and I'm studyng html/css/javascript, I always wanted to know programming, I learning with no hurry lol, but I'm here and I want soon begin a new project, I love develop games and love Coppercube engine!

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Registered User
2024-07-02 05:28:59

Hi o139! I'm here and I notice this too!

I'm not developing a game right now, I have ideas to create but I'm just resting in developing games and I'm studyng html/css/javascript, I always wanted to know programming, I learning with no hurry lol, but I'm here and I want soon begin a new project, I love develop games and love Coppercube engine!

I have no ideals for games. I want to make games with admob or in app purchase.

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