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forum topic indicator A few frustrating problems I have.
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Registered User
2024-08-01 22:16:45

1. When I use the trackpad on my MacBook to scroll to the top of the editor page the page doesn’t stay at the top. This also happens in the theme selection window.

2. When in the editor, is there a way to select a page as the default loading/index page? I cannot see how to do this.

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2024-08-02 18:14:27

Thanks for reporting, I wasn't able to reproduce the first issue yet, but I'll have a look.

About point 2: You mean on the server? It depends on how you name the file. Usually, you need to set its name to "index.html", then it is the default page.

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Registered User
2024-08-03 09:28:11

I can send a video of the issue if required.

On point 2, when creating multiple pages in rocketcake and pressing preview I would like to set one of these pages as the index page you would hit first on a website. But even if I rename the page I want to preview first to index.html the preview still loads the original page.

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Registered User
2024-08-03 13:37:23

when creating multiple pages in rocketcake and pressing preview I would like to set one of these pages as the index page you would hit first on a website
That has noting to do with Preview. The page which will open first when someone calls up your website's URL is the one which you gave the name index.html, the so-called landing page. So on this page you would put the content you want visitors to see first when they call up your URL.
if I rename the page I want to preview first to index.html the preview still loads the original page.
Preview gives you a browser view of your current state of work on a website, and it always starts with the page which is currently shown in the editor. It's supposed to work this way, and it makes sense to work this way, as it allows you a one-click-browser-view of your most recently edited page (and the other pages as well, provided you have already established a navigation).

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