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Is it feasible to develop a twin warehouse project with COPPERCUBE?

Registered User
2024-10-11 02:54:05

Is it feasible to develop a twin warehouse project with COPPERCUBE? What can be used to achieve database management, dynamic data connection, and data form display? Teachers with experience in this area, please help.

Registered User
2024-10-11 05:12:09

I don't have any experience with that, but I guess it might be sort of used for the visualization part, maybe. Should you use it? I have no idea.

But if you wish to do so it's possible to build for webgl. You can then use it with something like next/nuxt or electron if you want a desktop app. All of those mentioned have a node js backend, which most likely already has a library to interact with your db, erp, or other 3rd party software.

Registered User
2024-10-11 05:33:37

Well, if you're building for web direct access from next/nuxt might be not a good idea. But you can build another service layer between frontend and other systems using basically any tools you want.

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