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The game I'm talking about is "Football Fusion 2" If anybody could replicate the throwing in that game where you set a variable power with your scroll wheel and how you aim depends on where the mouse is looking and that sets the angle of the ball. Basically what I'm asking for is normal throwing like I've seen in Copper Cube before but with variable control for how hard you want to throw it in game I'd appreciate it if anybody could do it I can pay using cash app or pay pal let me know if you're interested and we can talk over email thankyou. |
The multiple scripts @samgrady click and throw and another grab and throw. Use those scripts but there's additional scripts can change throw velocity. |
I'm bad at programing and I've tried to do that before but I'm not able to so if anybody could I'm willing to pay |
If throwing money at a programming problem could solve it, I'd have completed my Luposian game already. I've (in times past) been able to pay people $100 a pop and I've still only got 2 of my 3 stages done. Sometimes money isn't enough. The programmer has to WANT your money, primarily, and then WANT to help. If they don't want your money, then the amount doesn't matter. If they don't want to help, then NO amount of money or begging/pleading will avail much. Just the way life goes. |
@luposian, I remember most people here offered you some great help and advice (for free) and even made Likofrank parody as a working example for you. People solved several issues for you (and offered countless suggestions) after you complained that your paid-developer had failed to deliver (fog-lifting in the mountains, footstep imprints, animated fur, voice acting etc. etc.). If you remember, almost everyone suggested that paying $100 a pop (and funding a new computer for your ffiver dev) was not the best way forward - especially as the dev was a complete novice in using coppercube. The community here offered support an free alternatives - you actively snubbed us with rude comments and managed to ostracize yourself from the community really early on. The reason your game was shelved was for the very reasons outlined on day one by the community here. The reason the forum is subsequently quiet and slow to offer you help now is almost certainly because of the way you behaved previously. It's insulting to say people aren't interested - your Luposian project probably attracted the most attention I've ever seen on this forum - it's just a shame that the traffic wasn't used to your advantage. The suggestion for the physics scripts and addons are a perfect solution, I'm not sure why you're suggesting no-one will help. The answer is already there in black and white, for free, within a few hours of the question being posted. |
Please... I really don't want to rehash the past. But, since you insist... 1) The Lykofrank parody was an insult to me and my game in every single way. Whatever good could have been gleaned from it was RUINED by the fact it was a "spit in my face" project, just to mock my game and me. I saw it as nothing more than an attempt to belittle me and my game, but I TRIED to "turn the other cheek" and suggest that it could be the foundation for something positive... for someone else. But that never happened, because it was intended to hurt me and I deflected that hurt in the end. Thus, it's sole purpose was ended. A game that cusses and swears and insults... is meant to be informative? I wasn't born yesterday. 2) I chose to alter my original idea for this Luposian game, because I knew I could not get the fur effect I wanted. Period. So I changed the premise and kept the original 3D model. As for the other elements you mentioned, I am grateful for those that have helped me get Stage 1 to where it is. And, the ending, I think is even better than I originally envisioned, BECAUSE I couldn't get things the way I originally wanted them. Kinda like the actors that COULD have been the character in a movie, but the actor they GOT/USED was PERFECT for it. That kinda thing. Sometimes we don't get what we think we want, because it's meant for us to end up getting something better! I got the voice actors I needed... and they got paid. Sad some people will never get to hear all of them. I gave credit to everyone that helped me... you and others. It's on the page. 3) Who I pay, how much I pay them, and why is not anyone's business but mine. Why that is such a sore point, I don't know. To those who could USE such money, why they aren't they offering their services for it? I'm not trying to act like a big shot by offering such sums. And, if anyone was genuinely insulted by my offering such sums (as though I was bragging of my wealth with it), I genuinely apologize. Was not my intent. I was simply tying to motivate people I figured could do what I needed done, with those funds, since I never expect/demand to get a free meal. 4) I defended my game and myself where I felt it was required. Had I not put as much of myself and my finances into it, I might not have cared so much, but that's not where the chips fell. I only attacked when I felt attacked. We're all human. I don't try to make enemies. But misunderstandings happen and sometimes you can't recover from the damage done on either side. "Forgive and forget" isn't always everyone's cup of tea... there are some that still think poorly of me over their opinions of me in the 80's/90's. Initial perceptions can ruin potential friendships. And then you sometimes have bullies who just like to hate the little guy, because he's little or weak or whatever. It happens. I still want to be friends with one of them... but they won't give me the chance. They'd rather just look down on me, even decades later. Sad. 5) Attracting attention is not always good thing. If the attention you get is negative, just because a game is "too weird" for some, that's not the attention I want. I was looking for people who would think my game was cool and interesting, not people who thought it was weird and ridiculous and made no sense to them. Yeah, I got attention all right. But not the kind of attention I wanted. When I see a game I think is (to me) weird or ridiculous, I say nothing. Why? Because it's not my game. It's not my place to call judgement on it. It's THEIR game... THEIR dream.... THEIR vision. Just because it doesn't make sense to me, is not for me to cast down upon. If I can't say something helpful or constructive (without criticism), then I choose to say nothing. I choose to not give them NEGATIVE attention. 6) And to the individual offering $15 for game/code help... I wish him the best of luck. Offering money here has been met with the sound of crickets. Why, I do not know, but maybe th |
Everybody free to contact me for job offers - its winter time soon so i have plenty of time for scripting. |