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Request - Import CCP and CCP files during runtime

Registered User
2024-10-22 17:45:45

I was trying some things in CopperCube, and noticed the code "ccbSwitchToCCBFile" just opens the file as it was the main game (no need to compile to an .exe), but for optimization and code preservation purposes, i wanted to import the CCB file as a "prefab" (to stay in the same scene as the exe i'm playing).

In resume: my request is to be possible to import CCB files as if the were a prefab, to keep the assets from the main scene while opening the CCB. Or to be possible to import CCP files during runtime, making it a good option for optimization, and possibly game code preservation.

2024-10-24 09:33:58

I cant promise anything as my C++ skills are not that good but I was thinking to look into that part also to maybe adjust what is loaded and what can remain in memory instead of a total swap out....would need some time to look into though ...

Registered User
2024-11-02 21:13:21

I was thinking about this same thing a little while ago too!
Like, what we see is an envelope that loads and unloads/purges CCB files.
Interesting idea.

Registered User
2024-11-04 17:19:43

I hope it works, it's chaotic to create a lot of scenes for each map of the game. I have my main project that's a FPS game, something similar to Metro/Stalker (of course, in a much lower scale), and for optimization, loading .ccb files seems a good option, since i can put the scenes in folders, and ask to delete or hide specific ones instead of loading all areas.
Another thing i'm doing is basically GMod for testing multiple save files, controls, etc. And that's where i thougt about the .ccb/ccp file loading, since the maps could be saved there and edited, but the camera and scripts would be safe on the exe.

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