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Discord Rich Presence?

Registered User
2024-10-27 13:56:58

Hello. I want to add the discord rich presence to my coppercube game. How can I do that? Thanks!

2024-10-27 17:01:36

JIC or OkeOke are the guys that might be of any help to you. Try contacting them.

Registered User
2024-10-27 20:26:17

Tbh I know nothing about it. But discord web pages have documentation section:

I looked it through and it seems like you have 2 options to set everything up. There is an embedded app sdk, which I believe you use with html games which run as iframe inside discord app. You can find a bunch of videos on youtube there people code apps like that.

Another option is legacy game sdk, which is a C++ library which you can download and add to your project. It has bindings for C/C++ and versions for ue4-5, unity, and so called "no engine" which is probably our case. You need a good c++ knowledge and studio version to use that.

I guess you just need to read through the documentation. Once again, I haven't checked the whole thing, but from what I saw it seem to be described ok. There are also a bunch of samples and some success stories on the site. So, rtm:)

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