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folder icon Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > CopperCube Open discussion
forum topic indicator Expanding upon "Quit - Coppercube"...
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2025-02-03 07:05:03

Not sure where the name came from, but I love the premise. A knight has to navigate across multiple platforms (without falling off) to the end "goal", to escape.

I'm currently thinking of trying to expand upon the premise and having a little difficulty figuring out which direction to go with it...

I'm thinking of maybe implementing a chess-type theme, or a "escape the monsters" theme. In both scenarios, the enemies would start at the furthest corners of the play field and progress, move-by-move, towards the player.

- In the chess-type theme, the player can pick up "form change" power ups that give them the ability to out rank certain enemies. But figuring out which pieces outrank other pieces (everything is higher than a pawn) is a problem. At the top of the list, a king is the highest rank (a queen is next highest), but because the power ups change randomly (and move to different squares randomly), you have to grab the one you want until it's been used and make sure you don't accidentally pick up another one you don't want until then. If your "form" is lower ranked than an enemy, when they jump to your square, you get knocked off into the abyss. If you outrank your opponent, you knock them off. You win the level by reaching the end Goal, but gain points for disposing of opponents in the process.

- In the "escape the monsters" theme, it's simply a matter of getting to the goal before you're killed. All non-occupied platforms can change places randomly every 5 seconds, so trying to progress towards the goal is a matter of being able to land on a platform that not only gets you closer to the goal, but also keeps you from being intercepted/killed by a monster.

Platforms start flashing when there are only 3 seconds remaining before it moves to a different place.

What do you think of this project? If you can't find the files, I will upload the archive to a site and provide the link.

One of the first things I need to do is give this game some music... the silence is deafening! Gives me a reason to get back on my Macs!

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2025-02-08 01:36:13

no one comes here now, luposian

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Registered User
2025-02-08 22:38:14

guest wrote:
no one comes here now, luposian

I have to try...

Do you mean just this channel or the Ambiera forums as a whole?

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2025-02-08 22:45:35

the forum was a ghost town for days... i like your ideas, but what you call a theme I think you mean mode. platforming in cc will require a custom jump script tho. the default jump is janky and too punishing/erratic. maybe looking into what is called "coyote jump" to give the player better jumping.

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There is actually custom movement and jumping script already.

The game was inspired by the forum posts there people who was saying that they quit using Coppercube. The game full name should be something "Escape from CopperLand" or something similar.

if you achieve the escape portal it should also display a random win message like:
"Dissatisfied with CopperCube's outdated features, you face hostility in the forums and are eventually labeled a troll. You outgrow CopperCube and transition to something more advanced."

'Bored with the lack of innovation in CopperCube, you develop a resistance to learning, making progress impossible. Eventually, you abandon CopperCube for a better solution.'

'Frustrated by the limitations of CopperCube, you discover the power of arrays and reconsider your tools. With new knowledge, you embrace better alternatives.'

It sort of didn't work.

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Registered User

I think message generator is not included in game, here it is:
function getRandomInt(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;

function generateWinMessage() {
var reasons = [
"Frustrated by the limitations of CopperCube",
"Bored with the lack of innovation in CopperCube",
"Dissatisfied with CopperCube's outdated features",
"Constrained by CopperCube's simplicity",
"Uninspired by the creative possibilities of CopperCube",
"Disheartened by the tediousness of using CopperCube",
"Aware that the built-in behaviors are unoptimized and buggy"

var consequences = [
"you struggle with unoptimized and buggy behaviors",
"you fail to build a simple FPS, much like your past attempts",
"you realize CopperCube is paid software and seek free alternatives",
"your once-enjoyable workflow turns into a tedious chore",
"you develop a resistance to learning, making progress impossible",
"you face hostility in the forums and are eventually labeled a troll",
"you encounter resistance from the CopperCube community",
"you discover the power of arrays and reconsider your tools"

var outcomes = [
"Eventually, you abandon CopperCube for a better solution",
"In the end, you move on to more capable game engines",
"Realizing the limitations, you decide to explore new tools",
"You leave CopperCube behind in search of greater flexibility",
"The frustration proves too much, and you quit using CopperCube",
"Your creative journey takes you beyond CopperCubeā€™s constraints",
"With new knowledge, you embrace better alternatives",
"You outgrow CopperCube and transition to something more advanced"

var randomReasonIndex = getRandomInt(0, reasons.length - 1);
var randomConsequenceIndex = getRandomInt(0, consequences.length - 1);
var randomOutcomeIndex = getRandomInt(0, outcomes.length - 1);

var finalMessage =
reasons[randomReasonIndex] +
", " +
consequences[randomConsequenceIndex] +
". " +
outcomes[randomOutcomeIndex] + ".";

return finalMessage;

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Registered User

guest wrote:
the forum was a ghost town for days... i like your ideas, but what you call a theme I think you mean mode. platforming in cc will require a custom jump script tho. the default jump is janky and too punishing/erratic. maybe looking into what is called "coyote jump" to give the player better jumping.

My first wish would be to be able to use the arrow keys, for movement. I relate to them better than ASWD. Not sure why, but maybe it's because they're arrow keys and not letters. Or maybe it's because, in arcade games, I play with my left (joystick), fire with my right (fire button).

I can deal with the animation as it is. I've played/made it to the portal successfully several times.

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Registered User

There is a fun and modern way of doing that.

1. Find the folder there your custom scripts are located. Read:

2. Find the extension called behavior_QuitCharacterController.js

3. Upload this file to ChatGPT and ask it to modify the script so it's possible to use arrow keys to move

4. Modify the script with what it says. If it doesn't work - message GPT again, say the script doesn't work and describe what happened.

5. Bonus: you can actually ask what changes were made and why.

I believe in you. That's not that hard.

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