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Comments please

2011-05-17 07:56:52

Okay so after much work I have uploaded my wife's new site at

Feel free to have a look and feedback is most welcome.

Firstly, while on preview it looks absolutely fine, now that I've uploaded it the main page doesn't justify the image or text. I haven't a clue how to fix this. It works in the program itself.

Secondly, the 'wedding cakes' page in preview sits happily in a layout container - if you resize the screen in preview, the objects move along with the page, but other pages like the seasonal cakes page look identical, but in preview they sit still and don't follow you if you resize the page. When up loaded neither display correctly!

Thirdly, none of the cakes pages themselves have the picture of the cake in the right place. I seem to be able to put the cakes 'on' the layout container rather than 'in' it. I don't know how to fix this.

I will try and work out how to fix this but any other comments from all and sundry would be most appreciated.

2011-05-17 07:59:20

PS - that was when looking at the site using Internet Explorer. In Google Chrome the layout is fine but I still have problem two with the layout containers on the 'wedding cakes' and 'seasonal cakes', one being in a layout container and the other being on one.

Same issue with the individual cake photos - can't seem to place them 'in' the container. I've tried cutting, making a new layout container and pasting the contents but it doesnt seem to work.

2011-05-17 19:25:40

Looks nice, but yes, sometimes a few pages seem not to be centered correctly. Maybe you could send me the .wspd file, and I have a look at that and give you a hint - difficult to tell from the website alone.

BTW: you can usually just drag and drop the element into a new layout container.

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