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Strange IrrKlang .NET 2.0 Issue

Registered User
2012-06-12 06:29:52

I am trying to build a program with IrrKlang as the sound playback library. This application IS being compiled ONLY in x86.

I get the standard "attempted to load incorrect format" issue when compiling in MSVC 2010. The standard fix is to compile in, guess what the x86 I'm already compiling in!

It gets better.

The debugger says only 3 files are afflicted by the above issue. 3 .resx files. And do you know what they have in common? Two things:

1. They do not reference the IrrKlang library, and have nothing to do with the library.
2. They all use the ImageList control. The ImageList stores icon images for IconView and TreeView controls.

MSVC adds those controls data to the .resx files, and then when I try to compile I get the above issue.

The only fix I see is to not have the editor compile the data into a .resx file. But, the odd thing is I should never have to be doing that. I have no idea whats happening, and I'm fairly certain you guys may not know how to fix this since this issue is so... [i]weird[/i]!

Pre Post Edit: I made the changes to not have it store image lists in the .resx files, and it compiles completely fine. Bummer though for this shouldn't be an issue.

Want more weirdness? Compiling from a 32 bit OS will NOT produce this issue. Only a 64bit Win7 OS was doing this (a desktop and laptop computer).

2012-06-13 06:40:15

That sounds 'funny', and seems to be an issue we could only thank Microsoft for. :)
Maybe you still have somewhere the option 'Any CPU' in your configuration of your project.
Googling a bit resulted in this: There seems to be a bug in VisualStudio with ImageLists. See here:
Maybe this helps:
You have to open the resx File in the Designer and set the accessmodifier from public to no code generation.

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