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ccbjs file size

2012-07-09 12:22:16


I have a simple scene with only a model in it. The model is in 3ds format and its size is about 4 mb. After publishing it as webgl the size of the ccbjs file is about 19 mb! Why is this happening? I thought this format is supposed to make the file size smaller?


2012-07-09 18:25:43

Hm, that's interesting. Difficult to say what the exact reason for this is without seeing the model. First, maybe your 3d file consists of a lot of non trianglized geomertry. Judging from the file size, it's probably not a low polyon model created for realtime 3d graphics? So maybe CopperCube is changing the file interenally so that a realtime 3d engine can quickly display it (you won't want the JavaScript or Flash Actionscript code do such calculations in your browser, its very slow), and stores it then a bit inflated. Take a look at the .ccb file, the one you save with the editor, how big is that in constrast?

2012-07-10 08:57:21

I have a look at that file size later. I'm pretty sure that the model was made with a CAD program though. Could that be the problem?

2012-07-11 10:20:11

You also can create low poly models with a CAD program. But usually, not, so this is probably the problem, yes :)

Registered User
2012-08-17 18:10:40

To follow on to guide beginners...

High poly models can be reduced in mesh density and be converted from quad to tri using two approaches: Either "decimate" and convert the original mesh, or re-topologize the mesh by replicating the mesh detail by wrapping it in a low density mesh, and replacing the original. In both instances you will need to maintain (COPY) or rebuild UV mesh mapping coordinates so that the tetuxe may be re-applied. These tools will help. I will detail the pipeline at

MeshLab (Free) has some powerful decimation and poly conversion utilities, ( ALso as good mesh repair/clean tools to fix flipfaces eliminate redundant vertices, holes etc.

UltimateUnwrap Pro ( also has a decimation and mesh clean utilities alond with complete UV mapping solution. VERY HANDY for CONVERTING Animated Mesh Model .FBX exports into .X or B3D . Need this if your pipeline goes from DAZ3D into CopperCube.

DAZ3D Studio 4 (DS4 is free) and the DECIMATION and MAP ATLAS Plug IN (Game developer add on, $99 - HINT, Wait for sale & Discount Promos where cost can be way less).

DAZ3D Hexagon Moddler (Free) (

Wings3D (Free) a solid and intuitive modeling & UV solution. (

Z-BRUSH ($700) for the best in 3D Mesh sculpting, painting and exporting capabilities. KILLER DECIMATION, AUTO-RETOPO and UV.

TopoGun ($100)- THe best of breed mesh retopologization tools, it is ONLY a retopo tool, but its the best and provides the most control in defining mesh density without disrupting the original.

Registered User
2012-08-19 12:05:23

DAZ3D Studio 4 (DS4 is free) and the DECIMATION and MAP ATLAS Plug IN (Game developer add on, $99 - HINT, Wait for sale & Discount Promos where cost can be way less).

The map atlas is inclusive in the free pro version already!
Decimator is expensive and buggy
Balancer is better and cheaper.
How it works can you see in my video

Z-BRUSH ($700) for the best in 3D Mesh sculpting, painting and exporting capabilities. KILLER DECIMATION, AUTO-RETOPO and UV.

3D Coat (349$) is the same and is easier and fun to use .

TopoGun ($100)- THe best of breed mesh retopologization tools, it is ONLY a retopo tool, but its the best and provides the most control in defining mesh density without disrupting the original.

btw Also the best autoretopo tool is in 3D coat inclusiv so not extra cost

Registered User
2012-08-23 03:14:14

I tried and compared 3D Coat against ZB and several others. I was optimistic, but in the end always ran into pipeline compatibility issues and undesirable results (manual retopo/autoretopo tools). The Autoretopo flat out was terrible. The 3DC UI is manageable however I found the capabilities in ZB far superior in its feature set to 3DC and the results of the features were more consistent. A year ago on the version I tried, 3DC went into that tangent on voxels and left its sculpting and mesh modeling tools kind of weak. From the website, looks this area has improved. I didn't like the vertex painting methods in 3D coat at all. Its subjective however I preferred BlackSmith3D above all others for this, but ZB came in second. Can't afford mudbox or other Autodesk tools - so I don't tempt myself by installing them.

I have had NO issues with the DAZ decimation for reducing polys. I DO like how DS maintains the various LOD's. Similar to ZB in that respect. The ZB decimation (plug-in) has a lot of flexibility. HOWEVER when we want complex models - say a DAZ Human with over 200k polys, Decimation may only take you down to 12K polys. That may be not reduced enough for a complex CC3D scene. So after I decimate to the max, I will export animated mesh as FBX and import into Ultimate Unwrap (Hey I am NOT a REP for them, but a darn good tool) I will use the REDUCE POly FEATURE WITH keep UV borders CHECKED to take it down another 90%. I got Hormel Hog down from over a million polys in ZB to 2500 polys in the latest version of the CC3 game!

ZB is NOT easy to use. It took me 90+ days of use to become adapt.
I actually _had_ to purchase tutorials to figure it out. (I never do) The ZB UI was developed by artists not CAD developers... and its dorked up UI accounts for this because its focus is 2.5 (Bas Relief) renders. Its a HIGHLY powerful tool, but its easier to learn how to fly a helicopter. Model creation and painting is actually a side feature to allow artists make 3D images... they call the models "tools" and the modeling tools "brushes" Lord knows what they call a TOOL...

Registered User
2012-08-23 15:42:29

3D coat is a swiss army knife , sadly that you can not see all this great potential.

eg. In this link you can see pictures from my current project. I start from scratch ...

The manually and autoretopologie works great , as well as there are nice uv mapping and painting tools on board

All this with 3Dcoat is easy and make fun.

Back to the topic here is the feature what I'm missing in DAZ decimator too.
I can choose which details I want to keep.

Registered User
2012-08-29 03:32:02

Yes, with DAZ Decimation its all or nothing. Decimation with Texture Atlas is good for quick changes and low poly game conversions and background characters. I agree that retopo offers the best mesh control and is essential for a professional content vendor. I REALLY like Topogun. I have some models that have many folds and overlaps, and this tool is the only one that allowed me to effectively retopo. Again. I only had the eval period to try 3DC, and in competition with several other products so It maybe that I was not able to the the best results because of inexperience. Its taken about 2-3 yrs and my pipeline is just coming together...
Speaking of which I did purchase I-Clone, Kinex for Windows & 3DExchange Pipeline. Your success pipeline, makes it looks promising., I am.just getting started with it and am going through the training. so I can create animation for export cc3 animated mesh objects.

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