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Loadplugins and ikpMP3.dll

Registered User
2008-11-11 23:23:36

Hello everyone,

I'm currently using irrKlang with .NET and my application works fine with "ogg" or "wav" files. But it doesn't with mp3 files.

I have a problem to use the "ikpMP3.dll".
My version of Irrklang is the "1.1.2", which is the latest one, and the "ikpMP3.dll" is from the examples for .NET folders.

When I try to launch the dll, it doesn't work properly. The "Loadplugins" file returns false.
Here's the code :
      mSoundEngine = new ISoundEngine(SoundOutputDriver.AutoDetect,SoundEngineOptionFlag.MultiThreaded);
      if (mSoundEngine.LoadPlugins("C:\\ikpMP3.dll"))

The path is correct. Even if I try to put the dll in the binaries folder, it doesn't work either.
I have used the "depends.exe" which enables to see what dll are missing for an exe or a dll file. Nothing seems to be missing.

Has anyone any idea ? Is this due to a bug in the Loadplugins function ? :-/


Registered User
2008-11-12 00:00:20

I found the solution to my problem and it may help other people.
While programming, I had a problem with threads and interaction with forms. I eventually used delegates to solve my problem but for a while I made different attempts with constructors for ISoundEngine.

And that caused the crash with mp3 files.

Here's the code I had :
mSoundEngine = new ISoundEngine(SoundOutputDriver.AutoDetect,SoundEngineOptionFlag.MultiThreaded);

Here's the code that works :
mSoundEngine = new ISoundEngine();

You don't even need to use loadplugins with ikpMP3.dll to read mp3. As it is often said on this server, it effectively just has to be in the binary folder.

So, problem solved... :)

Thank you very much for this great library !!!! I was fighting with the #@-!!#- TWindowsMediaPlayer class but it's not half as good.

2012-12-14 19:26:48

Do you use Java or C++ ???

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