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Proper Way to handle music and sound effects

Registered User
2013-02-12 08:45:03


I am designing a small 2D game engine and would like to know how exactly Irrklang is handling things behind the scenes. The way I would like to design everything is to have a Music handler and a effect handler, separated from each other - the music will be streamed/looped (from harddisk) On the other hand, the effects would be played a lot more - and be several small files.

My question here is, should I be managing the list of effects in my own code or will irrklang do this itself? Or, should I let irrklang handle everything automatically?

2013-02-24 21:26:13

When you play something, you usually get an ISound pointer back. With that, you can influence every single sound and music while it is playing, including the volume. That's the way to do it.

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