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google analitycs

Registered User
2013-03-07 13:38:51

Ciao a tutti, sono nuovo del forum, ed avrei un problema. Digitando il mio nome, mao casella, in google appare il mio sito con una scritta sottolineata: <META NAME="DESCRIPTION ... e chiaramente vorrei modificare la seconda parte. Come posso fare? ho creato il mio sito con website painter, aggiunto (alla cxxxo) con textwrangler delle strisce ricevute da google, credo che non serva dire che sono un neofita
Grazie MILLE a chiunque possa darmi una mano.

Hi everybody, I'm fresh in this forum, and I have an issue. If you digit in google my name, mao casella, it appears my website with: <META NAME="DESCRIPTION ... I would rather change it in "Maurizio Mao Casella, ads, logos,blabla...
I created this site with website painter, added, with textwrangler, some strips given me by google, (i made for sure some mistakes,no need to say I'm an absolute beginner)
Thanks a LOT to anibody willing to help me.

2013-03-08 09:23:55

not sure I understood what your problem is exactly. But for the text which appears on google for your website, try changing the 'Title' property of all the pages in your WebsitePainter project. You will find it in the "property window".

Registered User
2013-03-08 13:08:24

I had to add few stripes given by google analitycs, and probably I made a mess...Do you think it's clever to post the head of my website, in order to see if there are mistakes? Many thanks, niko!!!

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