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Issues with toggling visability of 2D overlay nodes. (Hide and Show)

Registered User
2013-10-14 05:03:53

Hello all,

I am trying to create the ability to interact with things inside of coppercube, such as a in game computer that would open up another camera with a menu..

In most games, you can run up to the proximity of an object, and press "E" to use...

This is what I am trying to accomplish, however no matter how long and hard I try, I can't seem to get the visibility of a 2D overlay node to perform as intended. Nothing seems to toggle it's visibility... is anyone able to help with this?

Thank you.

Registered User
2013-10-14 11:53:33

Nobody has had this issue? Comon, I'm on a roll with showcasing this software to it's fullest potential folks, but you guys are my only hope of ironing out the wrinkles! I hope someone can shed some light on this soon, I'm stumped untill then...

Registered User
2013-10-14 12:47:34

I guess you need to write some more details here. I didn't understand what the visibility of a 2D overlay has to do when you are pressing E. Maybe you are just toggling its visibility to see if it works?

I think you might be able to misuse the shoot action for this feature. Shoot something when the user presses E. Of course, i you are really shooting with weapons in your app as well, you somehow need to store that you are currently 'shooting' just in order to use something, you could use a variable for that.

Registered User
2013-10-14 13:54:35

Basically the issue is that 2D nodes cannot be toggled to Hide or Show under the influence of another interaction.

For example, if I ran up to a door, I want "PRESS E TO OPEN" to appear. This software, all though setup to do so, will not allow me to do it. It will allow for 3D objects to do this, but not 2D overlays, is there anyway to fix this?

Registered User
2013-10-14 14:53:47

You can hide and show 2d overlays just as any other node. Maybe there is something other wrong in your actions?

Registered User
2013-10-15 22:29:24

please follow this example and see if is about that you are talking about it.

If is about this hide/show behavior of the 2d overlays, i done this setting some variable on or off and cheking again to see if was on or off and if the case changing the variable to the another value.

You really can do that playing on the if and else statments (if is the case).

Try to turn on and off the touch control by the icon (is a 2d overlay).


2013-10-18 02:25:41

What I am trying to do is run up to a object and change the active camera by pressing a button such as "E".

The first camera I am running up to the object with is a FPS camera. I want to run into the proximity of an object, be only allowed to press "E" in it's proximity, and once pressing E, I enter a "Configuration View", with a model camera viewing the object.

Ideally what I want to happen, is that I can exit and enter from FPS camera to Configure camera with ease, but I can't get the 2D nodes to dissapear when going back to FPS mode and Re-Appear in Configuration mode.

What am I doing wrong? The actions for this is very straight foward.

2013-10-18 08:06:44

Difficult to say what the problem might be just from your description. Maybe you could send me the .ccb file (see Support -> Contact, there is also a mail adress listed), and I'll have a look at it.

2019-05-07 15:06:40

Bit late reply but only just started using CopperCube6 as of April 2019.

I had this same exact problem in hiding nodes not working - very annoying.

The solution however was found to attach all script variables and coding on a 3D object only - attach nothing to the 2D overlay OR any light also.

This then works as expected !!.......


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