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Sound ducking?

2016-02-13 23:20:56

I'm having a problem with dialogue in my game being too hard to hear, as a solution I'm thinking I'll want to lower all other sounds temporarily while playing the dialogue.

I can think of three ways of doing this:
Lower the engine volume while increasing the dialogue volume so the resulting volume is 1 for dialogue and less than 1 for everything else. This seems to be impossible since volumes don't go up above 1.

Manually keep track of every sound I ever play and lower all playing sounds while playing the dialogue. This seems like a lot of work that I'd prefer not to have to do for what seems like a fairly simple feature.

Start two sound engines, one for dialogue and one for everything else and adjust volumes accordingly. This would be a nice solution, but I don't know if it's appropriate to have multiple sound engines running at the same time. If it is, how many can I run without having problems?

Any advice?

2016-02-14 19:17:15

Update: ah, no, what I wrote below doesn't make much sense. Forget it. Hm,, I'm also not sure about how to solve this in a simpler way...

Originally, I wrote:
There is a simpler way to do that: When adding your sound as sound source (you can just add this before calling play2D, if you like), use its method setDefaultVolume() to set the default sound volume for each sound.

2016-02-14 21:53:43

So is it fine to just run multiple sound engines for it? It works for me with DirectSound, but are there problems with doing that one other platforms?

2016-02-16 03:26:46

Yes, that would be a solution. Not nice, but I think it should work.

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