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static shadows

2008-09-28 20:37:27

Hi there!!!
Is there a way to make some stencil shadows in Irrlicht (and IrrEdit) static  Maybe even define a model as a shadow or something.
The shadow maps sure are helpful, but if your character is standing under some structure and he's not affected by shadows........well it's distracting.
Sorry for bad English and stupid rookie questions

2008-09-29 08:59:32

Yes, this was a planned feature for irrEdit, basically something like writing out a shadow grid. But it's currently not available. Maybe you could create a plugin for irredit generating such a grid.

2008-10-12 20:02:20

Thanks, going to try to start writing something like this.

Registered User
2008-11-04 18:10:30

In that case, i've seen a way to achieve something similar. Other engines use this trick, and it is (asuming you have vertex colour in your stage meshes!) to get the polygon where the object/character/entity is standing on and get the coulour of the vertices, that way you may try and interpolate the colour those vertices have, and use it as a light multiplier. You may even try and interpolate the positions of the vertices with the item, and get a more accurate representation of the lighting in that place.

Perhaps it would be a wise idea to give Irredit the ability to create also vertex lighting.

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