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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Programming and Scripting
Drag and Drop, Mouse down to move mouse up release

2017-10-26 22:32:14

I have tried using the Drag and Drop behavior which does basically work. It is just a little difficult to position the object properly if you don't keep the mouse over the object while you move it. Is there a way to modify the code so that instead of a mouse click you just mouse down over the object, move it around on an axis you choose then just release the mouse button to drop the object? Currently you need to click, move to the object, then click again to release it but if your mouse has moved off the object nothing happens.

2017-10-27 05:42:40

I guess this could be done, but from what I remember, the behavior works like this because this was the easiest way to implement this, with just a few lines. You could open the file file and try to extend this behavior, but I think it is a lot of work to make it behave like this.

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