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The preservation of the gameplay for the mobile platform android

Registered User
2017-12-28 11:23:23

I ask for help, since the engine is very like and there is a desire to create masterpieces only in it. The problem is that I'm more of a creative person but not a programmer. When creating a game for the mobile platform, androyd faced with such a problem that I can not realize the preservation of the game process (it is a bit unclear implementation through saving and loading variables). Kind people have anyone the opportunity to make a text lesson with the written comments in stages in a step-by-step manner how to create a game of fps shooter on the mobile platform androyd on the example of two game scenes (levels) and menu scene. I will be very grateful, since I did not find this information in the training manual.

2017-12-28 17:39:03

There is already an example text tutorial for creating a fps game in the coppercube documentation itself....

And there are also so many tutorials on youtube to create Fps game using coppercube game engine...

I will suggest you to go with @54newstar youtube tutorials for creating fps games..... His channel contains so many tutorial regarding how to do this and how to do that...

Link to youtube channel

Registered User
2017-12-29 06:53:05

I would like to see how the game process for android is being implemented?

Registered User
2017-12-29 06:54:34

I would like to see how to save the gameplay for android?

2017-12-29 10:59:24

Ummm.... You can create variables and then use them... But am not sure if the save and load feature for variable ...will work on android target or not...

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