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Difference Preview-Published page

Registered User
2018-01-27 15:56:29

I made a new page and with preview (chrome) it looked like what I wanted. However, after uploading, the page doesn't look like the page I have seen with preview. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?


Registered User
2018-01-27 20:15:19

What you see there is the mobile menu. It is a smaller version of the menu, which you can also change in the editor: On the bottom in the editor, you see a drop down menu witch defaults to "Desktop" or "PC". Select a smaller device like "iPhone 7" or similar, then you see how your website looks like there. You will also see the mobile menu there. You can edit it just like the normal menu.

If you don't want that menu at all, uncheck the "UseMobileMenu" option in the property window when the menu is selected.

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