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picture responsiv

Registered User
2018-01-29 17:58:12

I have been trying for a while.
I have an image as a header. With responsive, only the width should change and the height should remain the same. The picture is distorted but that's what I want.
Does anyone have a hint?
Thank you

2018-01-30 08:12:45

I'd simply create a container, and set it's background mode to 'image'. Then select an image and set the height of the container you want to have.

But you want the image to be distorted and not keep its correct aspect ratio? That's unusual. :) If you really want to use an Image Element for this, just change its size setting then. By default, it is something like "35%, auto". Set the auto also to something, like "35%, 20%" or similar. Starting with this, you can resize it to be distorted in any way you want.

Registered User
2018-01-30 10:46:50

thanx Nico!
I'll try it.

Another way, I'm trying is to work with breakpoints - with all advantages and disadvantages.

thanks a lot

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