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Form elements mixed with HTML

Registered User
2018-02-06 13:21:21

I have a mixed Form with HTML text and Form elements that produces a display of:

In RocketCake 2.0 the Form is displayed as:

How can I access my text code that accompanies the Form to modify it?

Registered User
2018-02-07 07:00:32

You can double-click the PHP element on the bottom, then you should be able to see the code.

Registered User
2018-02-07 12:12:19

Nope, the PHP code at the bottom is a separate entity.

The container is a "Web Form" holding "Buttons", "Form Entry Fields", "PHP Code", and "HTML Text". The code behind the "Web Form" as per right clicking and viewing is below (but I can't edit):

<form action="contact.php"
method="POST" id="form_4cfbf672">
<div id="form_4cfbf672_padding" >
<div class="textstyle1">
<br><input name="reset" type="reset" value="Reset" title="" id="button_68dc096" >
<div class="textstyle2">
<br><b>NOTE:</b> All fields are required!<br><br>Your Name:<br><input type="text" value="" title="" name="Name" maxlength="40" id="edit_5f62f228" >
<br><br>Email:<br><input type="text" value="" title="" name="Email" maxlength="40" id="edit_7c36b3fb" >
<br><br>Message:<br><textarea name="Message" title="" cols="46" rows="12" id="edit_27ce7d7c"></textarea>
<br><br>&nbsp; &nbsp; You must check this box for verification: <input name="Validation" type="checkbox" value="VERIFIED" title="" id="checkbox_3c000d03" >
<div class="textstyle3">
<br><input name="Send" type="submit" value="Submit" title="" id="button_6272362e" >
<div class="textstyle2">
<div id="php_325f9d76"><?PHP
$valid = true;
$text = "";
$cnt = 0;
foreach($_POST as $name => $value)
if(!strlen($value)) $valid = false;
$text .= "$name : $value\n\n";

if($cnt > 0) {
if ($valid == true && strpos($text, 'VERIFIED') > 0) {
echo '<br><div align="center"><span style="background-color: 00FF00; color: white;">&nbspThanks for contacting us!&nbsp;</span></div>';
mail("", "Email from my website", $text);
} else {
echo '<br><div align="center"><span style="background-color: FF0000; color: white;">&nbsp;Something\'s missing or not checked!&nbsp;</span></div>';
<div style="clear:both"></div>

Registered User
2018-02-08 06:01:21

Difficult to say without seeing the rocketcake file. Maybe you could send it to support, they will usually help you quickly with that.

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Possible Codes

Feature Code
Link [url] [/url]
Bold [b]bold text[/b]
Image [img][/img]
Quote [quote]quoted text[/quote]
Code [code]source code[/code]



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