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Larger EXE Icon than 32 x 32 pixels?

Registered User
2018-03-01 09:56:40

Hey everyone,
I'm trying to give my windows executable an icon when published, however when I assign a 256x256 sized image, it always downscales the final icon to 32x32 and it looks like literal trash.

Is there any way to publish an EXE with a better icon?

I've tried resource editors already, atleast 5 different ones, and they all cause the coppercube publication to crash when I change the icon with a resource editor.

Any help would be most appreciated.

2018-03-02 06:47:20

Currently, that's not possible, AFAIK, sorry. The reason for this is that the runtime the .exe was compiled with is a bit older (so that it runs on old Windows versions as well), and it cannot handle 64x64 or even bigger icons. But yes, I could increase the minimal system requirements and support bigger icon dimensions in a future update.

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