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List box Element on Forms?

Registered User
2018-06-10 02:00:43

The Combo box is great for a selecting an item from a list.

But I can't find a List box control, i.e. not a drop-down list but one that shows more than one line.

The size attribute in the select tag makes a list box. For example:

<select size="10">

Now I can do that with the Edit HTML Code of a combo box, but it doesn't look right in the RC designer, and won't show the items of the list.

* It doesn't seem right that list boxes can only be made in the Professional Edition.

* Shouldn't there be a List box control in the standard toolset?

* It would be good if the RC designer could properly render a List box, when there is a size attribute within the <select> tag.

Thanks for reading this.

2018-06-11 05:01:16

You are right, that's a missing feature. Will add this.

Registered User
2018-06-13 00:12:34

Thanks Niko!

I am finding RC almost perfect for my needs, great tool you have made.

By the way, I am using it to template for my server scripts as you suggest in the RC home page.

I used to handcode all that stuff, with fixed width layouts, and now RocketCake is really helping me convert one of my online apps to responsive layouts.

(Can't show it off yet because it is far from finished.)


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