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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Feature requests and bug reports
Basic request

2018-06-12 18:05:01

Hey niko it would be good if you add shortcut keys to switch between back,bottom,and right view... As they are not available onscreen.... And there is no shortcut to acess them quickly...

It really irritates me to do some extra clicks to switch between views... Its good that there are already shortcut for other views...

And moreshortcuts for adding meshes like shift+C will add cubemesh to scene or shift+S will add sphere.... All i want to say is more the key shortcuts....
Less time consuming it will be to create games and apps...


2018-06-15 08:18:00

But there are, it is F1, F2, F3 and F4. Or do you mean something different?

If it doesn't work for you, maybe you are using some translation of Coppercube which doesn't have this feature (meaning the translation was bad), if so, which one is it? I can fix that. You can switch to english instead, there it should work.

Ah, nice idea about that shortcuts for creating items. Never though about that.

2018-06-15 11:32:04

Well, am not using any using the default english.. And i know that there are shortcuts for top, perspective ,front and left view...
F1, F2,F3,,F4 but i was asking for other views ..

I was asking for the views which are not available onscreen editor as gui icons...

Back,right,bottom etc views... There is no shortcut for them... To use them one have to go to tools then on change view and then select one of them....
So if there were shortcuts for those views... Back, bottom and right...

It will be helpfull to quickly switch between views.

2018-06-15 14:29:32

Ah, ok, I see, that's true. It is also not possible to use the translation files for those to add new shortcuts (you could do this for most commands by simply adding a Tab and typing the shortcut in the translation, that's what I meant), but it doesn't work in there.

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