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"On Proximity do something" bug

Registered User
2018-06-12 23:18:33

For full disclosure: I don't want any behaviors made by anyone which would improve this since I'm trying to do this project by myself.

Anyways: I have an object which has an "On proximity do something" event attached and the proximity is set to a somewhat high number so this isn't the issue. The idea is once the character enters the box area, it'll check: Does "variablename" equal 1? If so, do this chain of events. However, the issue is it's very finicky and I have to spam the button like crazy and I have to be in a specific spot for it to work as intended instead of just being in the box region.

2018-06-13 04:51:40

If your object has a collide when moved behavior attached then sometimes it won't work with the proximity behavior....
To solve this issue.... Try changing the position of y- axis of the object on which proximity behviour is attchted .... Or scale up objects...

Maybe it can resolve your issue.

Registered User
2018-06-14 23:34:15

sadly that didn't fix the issue. The game I'm working on is a make-or-break experience with this bug... I sure hope this can be fixed before 6 comes out :(

2018-06-27 19:53:36

If you can send an example file that would be more helpful to resolve your issue..

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