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floating text issue and image position on breakpoint edit

Registered User
2018-06-13 08:35:03

hi there! much success here with your fantastic free version of RocketCake, but a lot of dispair, too--- :-)

in the pro version. is ist possible to chose alternative (smaller/other) images for smaller screens ?

and: as working with text is weird ( one short line is devided into two lines without cause or need when publishing - why is that??) then why can i not edit the breakpoint position of an image .. its greyed out - would that be available in the pro version?

best wishes from germany

Registered User
2018-06-13 08:36:13

plus, i do not have a slider in the program window .. is that pro , too?!

Registered User
2018-06-13 17:07:20

Alternative images: If you use the gallery element, those are generated automatically.

Position can only be edited as breakpoint if the position type of the element is "free", not "normal" (which is default).

You should have the slider on the bottom of each page. There is also a combobox to select the devices. I've heard the slider is not visible on some macOS versions (bug?), but it should be also in the free edition!

Registered User
2018-06-18 08:06:41

erik! thx a lot for answering!
yesss!! i found the slider, it looks totally different, like just a small circle. does not look movable, but it is ... up and down, for a few milimeters, hard to control, but its there! :-)

as for the "alternative images" .... the slideshow wont solve that problem, als i want to have different pictures for various user- screens: like a big one for wide screen for desktop, and a different f.e. square foto for iphone etc

hm ...

still the text problem remains ... it is "free position" it just says "Bernd Klanke SingerSongwriter" on the startpage, and i want it to be in one line all the way, whatever happens ... but devides in two lines in various Screensizes .... just like that ... :-/

i could live with that, but thats not my design :-)

thanks again, your help is very much appreciated!

2018-06-19 07:55:03

Then you would have to link those manually. Make a button with the background of this image and link to the bigger image. You probably don't have to use different images for this anyway, you could for example use the 'cover' mode to let the website adjust the image best for the given view.

If you don't want any text to be splitted in more lines at spaces, then use the "non breaking space" instead of a normal space. Replace all the spaces with such a space. If you right-click into a text, select the menu "Special Symbols", and there you can select non breaking space (=Nicht-Umbrechendes-Leerzeichen).

But you probably also have a problem with the container of the text not being large enough, otherwise it wouldn't break your text... You could post a screenshot and I can try to see what the exact problem might be.

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