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FEATURE REQUEST: official request for snap to grid and snap to object

Registered User
2018-07-18 06:38:56

The plugin that's available won't cut it.

Every engine without exception has grid snapping and more.

We need a good quality, customizeable grid snap so that we can place objects together more easily.

I have tons of 3D assets that are modular scene builders - you put the assets together and they seamlessly fit.

With Coppercube, it is near impossible to use them without taking a lot of time lining things up and eventually using the numbers to get it right.

A quality snap to grid and snap to object would alleviate the headaches.

PLEASE implement snap to grid and snap to object (I believe the available grid is adjustable, so you are halfway there.)


Registered User
2018-07-18 14:09:57

I can agree with this! I used Unreal for a short time and I seriously loved the grid feature... That would be a very cool addition... maybe in the next 6.0 minor release it can be made!

2018-07-18 16:58:03

But did you know that there is a snap-to-grid-plugin available? It's here:

Registered User
2018-07-18 22:56:25

I already mentioned that we know about it, but it's not a valid replacement for true, in-editor snap-to-grid and no snap-to-object capability.

The plugin is passable at best and truthfully, simply annoying.


2018-07-19 05:55:08

That's right.

Registered User
2018-07-19 23:02:39

Hi NIko,

Thanks for pointing out the script that somewhat adds snapping to the CopperCube editor. However, as karmacomposer stated, it is not a replacement for true grid and object snapping.

With the script, you have to place your object, then hit CTRL+M to get it to snap to the nearest grid point/edge. If you are placing a lot of objects, this means you have to hit CTRL+M every single time and this adds additional time to level creation. If true grid snapping were implemented in the CopperCube editor, then this would definitely make life easier.

Just to be clear, snapping should be something that can be turned on/off in the editor. The snapping grid should be adjustable for different sizes. Snapping to objects would be great, too, allowing for snapping to vertices, edges and faces (all of which should be able to be toggled on/off by the end-user).

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