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Selected node and node's tree

Registered User
2018-07-25 20:46:12


I wrote a scene with many nodes. Sometime I need to change a node's propertys and I click on its 3D visual representation but it is not highlighted in the node's tree, and, the node's tree list is not shifted to show the selected node. For me it is a real problem : I can't find a node in the tree clicking on its 3D representation.

In the other direction, when I click on a node in the node's tree, it works : the screen show the node in its center and the node is highlighted (deep blue).

Registered User
2018-07-25 20:50:47

CC 5.7.1 moved the node's list to show the clicked 3D node, but it didn't highlight it. CC 6 doesn't do anything !

Registered User
2018-07-25 20:56:32

Yep, I was going to report this as well. If I click on the item in the viewport, it is not selected/highlighted in the SceneGraph Explorer. But it should be. This becomes more important the larger your scene gets.

I do like that I can double-click on an item in the SceneGraph Explorer and it not only selects the item in the viewport, but brings it into focus.

Registered User
2018-07-25 21:03:21

Mistake : CC 5.7.1 highlight a 3D selected node (but using a very very very soft grey).

Registered User
2018-07-25 21:15:42

I just checked and CC 6 also highlights a very, very light grey when you select an object in the viewport. However, if you then select a different object, then BOTH the newly selected object and the previously selected object (no longer selected) will show the very, very light grey highlighting in the SceneGraph Explorer.

I just did another test. I created enough items so that I would need to scroll the SceneGraph Explorer to see them all. If I create a new object (say, by duplicating one already in the viewport) then nothing is selected in the SceneGraph Explorer (despite the fact that the newly duplicated object is selected in the viewport). At this time, if I select an item in the viewport that is NOT visible in the SceneGraph Explorer (because I would need to scroll to find it), then CC 6 will scroll the SceneGraph Explorer to the newly selected item and highlight (with the very, very light grey). From that point on, selecting a different item will not move the SceneGraph Explorer and both the previously selected and newly selected item will have the light grey highlight.

The SceneGraph Explorer is obviously not working as it should or as expected.

Registered User
2018-07-26 08:04:45

You're right, CC 6 also put a very very light grey on the viewport selected node (I have eyes problems and sometimes, because on the screen angle and light reflection, I don't see it).

But when I select a node in the viewport CC 6 doesn't scroll the node's list and I must find it scrolling manually the list.

Registered User
2018-07-26 08:14:05

I can only get it to scroll the list IF I first create or duplicate an item in the viewport. For some reason, creating or duplicating an item ends up with nothing being selected in the SceneGraph Explorer (no light grey at all). Then, if I click on an item, it highlights it in the SceneGraph Explorer and scrolls to it.

Registered User
2018-07-26 21:55:12

very problematic for me. I use CC 5.7.1, can't work with v6

Registered User
2018-07-27 08:24:01

There was a bug like this reported in another thread, and niko said he will fix this with an update.

Registered User
2018-07-27 08:46:37

Nice Erik. I hope he will put a more visible color than that dim² grey that is made for those who have very good eyes (I suspect Niko to have such eyes, he alose put a very very very small font in CC sometime ago ...

Registered User
2018-07-27 08:47:07

"he also put"

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