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Android Target - Package appears currupt

Registered User
2018-08-05 02:23:39

I'm having this issue where 9 out of 10 times (may actually be even more) when I publish an Android build of the game, I the build cannot be installed. Instead I get an error "this package appears to be corrupt". After several attempts of restarting both my phone and my computer occasionally the package works and I am able to install and test the application. This was a problem I had with 5.5 but happens way more often with 6.

The thing is that I also build games using Multimedia Fusion using the same Android SDK and I never have this issue with apk's compiled from there. Anyone else seeing this problem, or any ideas?


Registered User
2018-08-09 06:19:39

Is your application name maybe something unusual? Had this, and changed it to a very simple english name, then it worked nicely for me.

2018-08-09 12:50:34

Create a diffrent package name and a diffrent keystore for your game... As eric said you can find it in the publishing settings...

Also if you have previously have installed app with same package name and with same keystore on your android kovile then you have to apecify a diffrent version for the app...

2018-08-11 07:37:10

Thanks for the replies, I haven't had luck with changing version numbers, but changing the internal app name did help, but it will be a problem to consyantly change the app name each time

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