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CopperCube 6.0.1 available

2018-08-14 16:02:28

CopperCube Game Engine 6.0.1 is now available.
This update includes some improvements and fixes for some minor bugs of the 6.0 release:


- Better selection indication
Selection highlighting in the scene graph explorer has been improved: When selecting a 3d object in the view, the object is also now scrolled too in the scene graph explorer. Also, when selecting multiple objects, the selection is much better reflected between explorer and 3d view now.

- Larger Debug console
For the Windows and macOS target, the debug console is now a bit bigger and is able to show longer lines of text. It also now re-adjusts itself when the window is resized.

- Improved restart scene action
Previsouly, the 'Restart scene' action would not reset altered fog and postprocessing settings. It now does, and also fixes a problem where restarting a scene would set the background of a scene to gray by default.

- CopperCube now warns if PostProcessing is enabled together with the Anti-Alias feature on D3D9, since they can't be used together at the same time. It will disable anti-aliassing now for this by default.

- Various minor improvements and tweaks here and there.

A bigger update with more new features is already planned as well.

Get it here:

Registered User
2018-08-14 17:24:12

Thanck you Niko

2018-08-14 18:34:02

Thanks a lot ... Wil going to check it out... !

Registered User
2018-08-14 18:48:10

Oh, much thanks! Thats what i ask :)

Registered User
2018-08-15 13:14:49

Hey Niko. Why you didn't added my requested features in this version...
Please add these in the next version.

Registered User
2018-08-15 16:49:10

Behroz, I think you may not be fully understanding what the feature request subforum is made for: It's made for suggestions on future features. Niko more or less has a huge list and he presumably prioritizes them by the amount of requests, so, for instance, if 50 people requested PBR rendering whereas maybe 2 people requested something similar, you can imagine what he'd want to implement first.

It's just business, and a smart mindset to have as a software developer: If new customers see the feature request forum and then see those features in future releases, they're more inclined to buy a license to financially support him since he's open to customer suggestions whereas lots of bigger corporations give a generic statement such as, "Thanks for your feedback! I have forwarded your suggestion to our team". In other words, they likely just tossed out your suggestion and nobody aside from the person you said it to heard it...

Registered User
2018-08-15 17:01:47

Behroz, I think you may not be fully understanding what the feature request subforum is made for: It's made for suggestions on future features. Niko more or less has a huge list and he presumably prioritizes them by the amount of requests, so, for instance, if 50 people requested PBR rendering whereas maybe 2 people requested something similar, you can imagine what he'd want to implement first.

It's just business, and a smart mindset to have as a software developer: If new customers see the feature request forum and then see those features in future releases, they're more inclined to buy a license to financially support him since he's open to customer suggestions whereas lots of bigger corporations give a generic statement such as, "Thanks for your feedback! I have forwarded your suggestion to our team". In other words, they likely just tossed out your suggestion and nobody aside from the person you said it to heard it...

If you are right (probably) then why the title says" Feature Request and Bug reports."?????

Registered User
2018-08-15 23:28:06

Well, just because it says it's a feature request forum, it doesn't necessarily guarantee that the feature(s) you request will be added by the next release.

2018-08-16 14:51:51

Please, do something for the ugly shadows engine...

Registered User
2018-08-16 15:54:11

Honestly, the shadow engine is nice for my particular project, but it's just so hard to get the various point lights positioned so the lighting looks nice and consistent. This actually makes me think of an idea just now for the request subforum.

Registered User
2018-09-03 22:30:00

@Niko - What new features are planned for next release?


2018-09-04 10:56:18

unfortunately, coppercube as no plublic roadmap....

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