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mass import of models possible ?

Registered User
2018-08-23 09:31:21

I want to move away from another engine, but also don't want to re-create all what I have from scratch in CC.

I am able to extract the terrains' heightmaps and the objects'/entities' positions from the old levels.

So, the idea is to produce a CSV list of all objects of a level by
* their fully qualified pathnames ,
* optionally an entity name for CC (like "ree001"),
* the respective xyz-positions,
* possibly a scaling factor,
have CC read it, import the models and create the entities in CC.

I am well aware that all sorts of problems may occur (e.g. concerning precision/transformation), but a parametricable migration program may help overcome this, so that only minor manually adjustments remain. .

It is obvious that there is no set function for this in CC,
but can the import be done with JS (almost sure, because it is a programming language) within CC by the user (which I am not so sure ), or would this have to be programmed into CC's kernal ?

Best regards

2018-08-24 09:09:53

Yes, you can import models using the command line interface:
But only works for one model, so this is probably a bit of limited use.

Registered User
2018-08-24 21:26:29

Thanks Niko,
and yes, it's no appropriate solution for what I had in mind.

Guess I'll be better off manually, since CC -usually- is good at importing models, so, settting the xyz position from my export list manually is not so bad.

Registered User
2018-09-17 12:56:40

Hi, Niko

Induced by another user's entry, I realized that by having acquired CC5 Pro version originally, I am authorized to download significant parts of the Source code.

I just did, poked around a little, and it looks like I could principally create my own add-on aiming at "mass import" of a number of models in one go using COBJMeshFileLoader.cpp

Is that technically feasible, or am I totally wrong, or just looking at the wrong piece of code ?

Is there any legal problem with such an undertaking ?

Since this looks like employing a core functionality of Irrlicht, would such an add-on port over to CC6 rather easily ?

I am well aware that I'd have to take care of possible problems occurring by myself, and I would definitely not modify the code but rather use the dll.

But I want to avoid investing a lot of work into such an idea and THEN find out that there is some barrier blocking me off.


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