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Opening an Already Existing .HTML file

Registered User
2018-08-25 17:55:20

Hello, I am new to Rocket Cake. I just installed it, and started dabbling with it. There is something I haven't figured out yet.

How do you open an index.htm (or any HTML file) that already exists, and wasn't made with Rocket Cake?

When I try to open a file with the .htm or .html extension (by switching to All Files *.*), I get the following error message:


Can I open an already-existing HTML file with the free version of Rocket Cake? Thank you.

T. Hulot

Registered User
2018-08-26 13:51:31

See here:

Registered User
2018-08-26 21:35:17

Thanks for the link. I don't think you can paste the HTML code into the free version, can you? If you can, I haven't figured out how. Thank you.

2018-08-27 15:38:09

You can, but you cannot save this then in the free version, but it is enough to see how this works at least. There are multiple ways to do this: You can create a HTML Code element, double-click it and paste it there. Or you could use the menu "View -> HTML Code of page" and enter it here. Or you can select any element, right-click it and select "HTML Code".

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Possible Codes

Feature Code
Link [url] [/url]
Bold [b]bold text[/b]
Image [img][/img]
Quote [quote]quoted text[/quote]
Code [code]source code[/code]



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