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How can I bring my 3rd person character into the next scene?

Registered User
2018-08-26 09:10:01

So I have a few scenes and a third person animated character with camera and some javascript code in the 1st scene. I want to trigger the ability to switch to the next scene. That I can do.

However, I cannot figure out how to carry over my 3rd person character and camera into the next scene and every scene thereafter.

Please don't tell me I have to re-create them each and every scene???

There has to be a way to export or send them to the next scene - right?

I really hope so.


2018-08-26 19:12:48

Unfortunately no.
You do have a few options though,
1-You can create a prefab file of your character, and add it to your prefab libary, to bring them into the scene
2- create a separate ccb file of just your character and behaviors so you can import into any scene
3 - and what I like to do is build out a whole template scene with all the common items, enemies, npc, ui, and other scene elements. And use this as a starting point when you make a new scene.

Registered User
2018-08-26 20:33:03

ishmaru wrote:
Unfortunately no.
You do have a few options though,
1-You can create a prefab file of your character, and add it to your prefab libary, to bring them into the scene
2- create a separate ccb file of just your character and behaviors so you can import into any scene
3 - and what I like to do is build out a whole template scene with all the common items, enemies, npc, ui, and other scene elements. And use this as a starting point when you make a new scene.

How do I do choice 1 and 2?


Registered User
2018-08-27 14:41:38

So I bit the bullet and started a new scene with the 3D character (I had to re-do all the animations), a camera, a light and a plane.

I now have my 3rd person controller (started) and can save the entire shebang as a prefab.

In the future, there needs to be a better way to save a prefab so we can just right click selected items and SAVE AS PREFAB.

Either way, i'm almost done.


Registered User
2018-08-27 15:05:21

I am happy to report that I was able to save the character as a prefab and bring him into a new scene with minimal fuss

Now to see if it will work with existing scenes. I can't see why not.


2018-08-28 18:27:52

Glad to know that you figured it out by yourself...

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