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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Help with CopperCube
Is there any way to slow down the editor viewport camera?

Registered User
2018-08-27 15:43:42

I'm not sure if I am asking this the correct way, but when working with the editor and using the mouse, it's too fast and takes too many steps when using the middle mouse wheel and even the mouse buttons.

I know it's a GOOD thing to complain when the editor is incredibly responsive, but it's TOO responsive with higher end laptops and computers, making it VERY hard to do level design work.

Is there any way to slow it all down or speed it up?



2018-08-27 15:45:55

It sounds like you are talking about the viewport update rate, that can be adjusted using the menu View -> Viewport update rate, but this won't make much sense, I guess you mean the speed with which the camera moves? That cannot be adjusted yet, no, sorry.

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