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Cooking in game.

Registered User
2018-09-05 15:11:18

Can cooking in the game is possible??? I mean i am making a simple mini life simulator game in which we will be able to cook our own food.
So please help me...

2018-09-05 16:52:43

Yes, a survival simulation game can be made with coppercube.... A great example for this is Postcollapse game ..... Which is created using coppercube and some advanced scripting by the developer of coppercube himself....

Registered User
2018-09-05 20:44:24

Was this game coded in c++ or added javascript functionality? How did Niko get such full coverage of grass in Post Collapse? I like the open cabinet and drawer capabilities. The inventory was also great.

How can we get any of that for our own games - besides coding it 100% from scratch?


Registered User
2018-09-07 06:35:00

Yeah. All the game itself is great. And i want you to please give me the example of the cooking in game if you have.
And if niko have the ccb file of postcollapse, then please give me.

2018-09-07 08:52:38

sorry, @behroz khan, i will not provide you CCB example file from now onwards, unless you are ready to pay money for it... as i have already posted an example for sentry gun as you requested... i won't be able to serve you pre cooked files...

i can only guide you through the process but won't do it by myself for you... it takes time and effort... it may be possible that one day i will post exact same thing on my website

till then you have to find your own way in the dark. don't expect too much from the community, we are here to guide you, not to serve you.

Registered User
2018-09-07 10:21:13

Behroz, I know you're eager to make stuff in CC, but you have to realize how much you're asking justincase for. See, I pretty much self-taught myself on how to use CC and only in the beginning did I ask for help. even then I didn't ask for CCBs since I wanted to make the stuff myself and be proud of my accomplishments. I do not mean to sound mean when I say this, but you're not going to impress anybody if you just piece together other peoples' work and call it your own. It's like the asset-flip games found on Steam... No thought put into those "games"!

That, and why would Niko give you the CCB to PostCollapse? He's still working on it and it still gives him money.

Registered User
2018-09-08 10:47:33

Why would Niko give you the CCB to PostCollapse? He's still working on it and it still gives him money.

I know man i was just kidding and he is not mad that he will give it for free he can only give if we give him his asked price...
Sorry niko if you found this abusive. I am really sorry.

But anyways, Ok just give me the simple how-to for my question.

Registered User
2018-09-08 14:09:19

Well, in all technicality, a cooking mechanism could be made with variables. Since this is a life simulation game you're working on, you could do it similar to the Sims games:

In the Sims 2, the fridge object has what the game classifies as "Food points". this is a value that dictates exactly how much food is in the fridge and is available. Every type of food removes a few points (ghosts can reduce the points by eating out of the fridge while haunting).

What you could do is this: When you click on a 2D overlay which would say "Eat food" have it set the "food point" variable to a lower amount.

For the cooking aspect? Easy. Just have it work like, yet again, Sims 2 via skill points.

Basically the points will enable or disable certain foods which the player can cook.

For the actual "filling" portion of the meal, just have it increment the food meter by a specified amount and have it do that many times in a "Do something later" sequence. and at the last "do something later" event, make it hide or delete the food mesh.

A life simulator game is going to be a challenge if you want pathfinding! I was working on a Sims 2 remake back in January of this year and I concluded that I need to make it like the console version of the game (control the Sims directly and walk around the house / etc..)

2018-09-08 16:09:51

my attempt to make cooking simulator...

Registered User
2018-09-08 17:08:59

Yeah j9907 making a life simulation game is much harder than we think.
And tim LOL everything have just burnt....

Registered User
2018-09-08 17:15:08

Yes, for sure. It can be done with lots of effort and making heavy use of both local and global variables, but it would take a lot of dedication. I found a workaround for disabling character movement whilst using an object. It's messy as heck but it, in theory, would work perfectly. Have a separate camera for each object and set the characters so you can't move around if there's no camera actively following them.

2018-09-08 21:00:25

I just loved your simulation of cooking @Tim12345 Lolz.....

Registered User
2018-09-08 22:36:28

Yeah it was so funny
Everywhere just flame HAHAHA

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