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Behavior Object or person controlled by keyboard..

aiming bullets
2018-09-07 18:55:37

Is there anyway to map keys for the behavior "Object or person controlled by keyboard".
I need it really bad.
or if someone can send me a behavior with custom movement script that would be really helpful.

Thanks in Advance!

Registered User
2018-09-07 22:31:08

You can map keys all day long - but you will need to write the equivalent javascript to do what the 3rd person behavior does with no scripting.


aiming bullets
2018-09-08 06:52:37

Can u tell me how to map keys for that behavior, i don't want to do anything with the third person behavior.
all i want to change the movement keys and want to remove some keys. like i don't want the down arrow key at all, so how to remove use of that key from the game but i still want to use other keys for movement.

or it will be really helpful if you can provide me a custom movement script, or a link to how to make custom movement script.

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