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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Feature requests and bug reports
unsightly bug in WebGl

2018-09-14 19:32:26

Hello Niko-

I have discovered a strange bug that seems to only occur in the WebGl target.
Basically a "black graphical flash" happens when I use the 'On Proximity' behavior to "unhide" an animated billboard while simultaneously using 'Restart Behavior of Scene Node' (to restart the animation).

To further clarify what I am talking about I have created this example for you to see in the simplest way what is happening.

You'll notice that when the cat reaches the mouse a black flash occurs. This is when I "unhide" an animated billboard and activate the 'Restart Behavior of Scene Node' action.

As some proof that the 'Restart Behavior of Scene Node' is causing this I have created an identical example below, only this time, I have activated the 'Restart Behavior of Scene Node' 1 ms later with a 'do later' action. Now the flash no longer appears and an extra frame is shown before the animation restarts.

While this workaround looks fine for this particular example, it would not look so nice for most cases.

I think that it is also linked to the 'On Proximity' behavior, as the black flash does not occur if I "unhide" a scene node while simultaneously using 'Restart Behavior of Scene Node' using a key press instead of on proximity.

So if you could reproduce and then fix this bug… that would be great!

Registered User
2018-09-15 03:28:24

Totally off-topic but this is awesome :) haha. Hopefully this is a full game in the works. Neat

2018-09-15 05:23:30

Interesting, thanks for posting. Wil have a look.

2018-09-15 08:27:40

@niko: great, thanks!

@j9907: this is actually just graphics that i ripped from a 1989 Macintosh program called "Neko the Cat" and reprogrammed into CopperCube. This was essentially the entire program and it was all the rage at the time. :)

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