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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Feature requests and bug reports
Feature request: Bake lightmaps

Registered User
2018-10-08 23:20:18

This would be a nice feature to have! :) Make it so users can bake the lightmap to the level mesh (probably the Modify menu would be good for this function). I can see one huge use for this: If you have over 10 lights the mesh will glitch out a bit by flickering / changing brightness as you run around. If we could bake the shadows and lighting to the mesh, we could then delete the light nodes used to create the shadows and then manually add lights so the characters aren't pure black.

Also: If we could do this, maybe character shadows could be a reality (though in my case, my levels are almost all inside structures, so this won't do much for me!)

2018-10-09 10:32:09

Hm, would be an idea. Not exactly sure if this would be easy to add, but I have to think about it.

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