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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Feature requests and bug reports
requests slightly above the easy level

Registered User
2018-10-12 19:15:56

1. include a tick-box for showing/hiding the mouse pointer in the publication settings (I actually don't know how to do it currently)

Registered User
2018-10-12 19:16:39

2. In attributes for each object, there are properties for scale, rotation and position. Editing these could be made much more efficient. For example, when editing position, lets not have the x, y, z in the same field, but separate them in one field each(?). This way one does'nt have to be confused about having entered a dot or comma to separate the values and it requieres only one mouseclick per value, not two clicks as it is right now. AND make it possible to jump between these x,y,z-settings with the tab-key to be able change them quickly.

Registered User
2018-10-12 19:17:07

3. When reloading a mesh (because you might have just changed it a little in your 3D-software), CC does not remember the material settings for the object. So lets say there is an object with 5-10 textures. These has to be manually reconfigured each time it is reloaded. So one texture might have to be changed to transparent. And all of them to be made double sided - an action that requires quite some time.

Registered User
2018-10-12 19:17:29

4. There are more to ask for, but probably on a more difficult level, such as the behaviour windows:
if this is happening and variable x = 1 then do this and that...etc, which requires the user to go through a lot of windows - that is confusing and NOT easy to survey. Also if there are many of these behaviours on an object...that can make the most sane person insane! :-)

Registered User
2018-10-12 22:15:59

I actually mentioned number 3 (I'd love to see this), and I was planning on mentioning number 4. I make cutscenes in my game using many different events (primarily the "Do something later" action) and it's a royal pain to cycle through all of those boxes over and over just to fix issues and stuff!

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