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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Feature requests and bug reports
my requests

2018-10-27 06:37:09


I thought I’d just write an official list of things I’d really like to see in a future CopperCube update.
No need to reply, you can just add it to your insanely large TODO list.

1) I really like the terrain editor a lot and I’ve learned how to use it really well! But I wish it would
be unlocked so I could make multiple terrains and move them around. I would use this to “resculpt”
the terrain in my game levels.

2) Allow the ability to toggle the ‘affected by gravity’ option on objects during runtime. I have some
great ideas for that.

3) A vertical version of the water refection effect, so we can make mirrors.

That is all!

Of course if I was Niko… I would probably think something like:

“Oh yeah, you would like that, wouldn’t you?!! You want me to just give you some super awesome
feature that requires some SERIOUS programming?? And just what do I get out of it?! NOTHING!
What, you think you can just come in here running your mouth like you mean’t something?!!
I’m Niko!! I’m the KING of code! I will run CIRCLES around you!”

But hopefully Niko is nicer than that.

Either way, this is still my absolute favorite computer program of all time.

Thanks, and keep up the good work!

2018-10-29 05:39:06

Thanks, some of these are already on my list :)

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