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New to CopperCube, Questions about unites and measurements

Registered User
2018-10-31 15:06:21

Hi all!

I am called the "Piefke", quite well over 40 years old, but still able to use a computer ;-)

I am new to CopperCube, but not new to Game design.
As a hobby I started working with the Acknex engine (way back then).

Now, as I am quite a lot older, I decided to dig into it again for the fun of it.

One of my daughters brought up the idea that daddy could design a fun game for her, featuring a labyrinth. Well, that's where the "fun" started.

I have already walked through some tutorials and familiarized myself with the user interface and basic design guidlines.

I have several questions, but will try to keep them in separate topics in order not to confuse threads.

So, here's one important questions:
How do I actually "measure" the size of things in Coppercube?
I know, I can snap objects to the grid, using the Plugin.

But for example, if I create 2D-room using the simple tool provided, how do I know how high the walls are?
What the distance between walls is?
And so on.

I hope this question makes sense and I would be happy to be ginven some hints about that.

2018-11-02 07:57:47

Basically, in CopperCube, it is best to assume that 10.0 units are one meter. But you can use different scales, of course.
You can for example create a cube (which defaults to 10.0 units) and move and use it for measuring.

Registered User
2018-11-02 13:55:56

Thanks Niko,

10.0 units equaling 1m is a good starting point.

Just one more question:
If I create a room using the simple 2D map tool - how can I find out how "big" a single field / square is?
And if I set the height of walls to "1.5" - what unit is that actually ? 1.5 times the size of a single field / square?

Thanks and regards
der Piefke

2018-11-02 14:08:37

The 2D map tool is just a tool for quickly creating a map. One square is about 3 meters long, and if you set the height to 1.5 it is 1.5 times this, meaning around 4,5 meters, I think.

2018-11-02 16:17:07

Where is my post?

2018-11-02 16:27:11

2018-11-02 19:03:28

Did you deleted it? Why? I ask Why?
Did it insulted you, Niko?
I was very polite!
You are bad! *Angry*

2018-11-02 19:37:43

Hi, not sure, what did you write?
Likely the spam filter decided that your post was spam? I updated it a bit yesterday since we have a lot more spam now. I dont have any logs of deleted posts, though...

2018-11-02 19:52:18

What??? It was not a spam! I was too polite but you thought it was insulting and you deleted it! You are such a lier. You can only delete posts. There are no spam filters! And you are a moderator of this forum...

You lied to me, Mr. Niko!

2018-11-03 05:27:49

get used to it. its anarchy here with a mediocre product

Registered User
2018-11-03 05:37:07

What in the world are you going on about, John? He has no reason to delete posts for no reason... It's quite stupid of you to think that, quite honestly!

as for you, jukt: if you don't like it, then leave. Quite simple! We don't need your negativity here!

Registered User
2018-11-03 15:39:24

OK, I do not know what happened in the meatime..

The 2D map tool is just a tool for quickly creating a map. One square is about 3 meters long, and if you set the height to 1.5 it is 1.5 times this, meaning around 4,5 meters, I think.

Yes, understood, it's a simple tool but it suits my needs when designing a labyrinth.
So a square is 3 meters = 30 units, correct?

2018-11-03 17:46:49

piefke wrote:
OK, I do not know what happened in the meatime..

I wrote you an personal advice about the software & some Really nice words to Niko But the post was deleted automatically (According to Niko)

& He is not publishing in the forum for no Reason?
Its just Lawlessness As said by: Jukt

jukt wrote:
get used to it. its anarchy here with a mediocre product

Registered User
2018-11-03 18:34:59

@John ...dude, what are you doing? You are either trolling or you are a kid or you are just having a stroke. So the new spam filter deleted your reply, so what? Write a new one, I'm sure it wasn't five pages long or something you can never write again.

And think about why your reply was caught by the spam filter, maybe you placed a non-safe link or used unconventional font. No need to call anyone a liar in such an overly dramatic & stupid way.

2018-11-03 19:34:30

I am writing it again. I will try to write same as first time I did.

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