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Possible problem with animation

Registered User
2019-01-30 23:50:08

Hello, I developed this animated character and when I put it in CC I noticed that most of the animations were bugged. Would you help me?

Can it be a problem with Blender? because when the animations executed in Blender, they worked normal.

I left a link on youtube so you can see what's happening.

Thank you.

Registered User
2019-01-31 14:26:39

Try different export options, or try a different file format for exporting. That usually helps.

Registered User
2019-02-06 10:41:47

Export all through blender

Registered User
2019-02-06 14:19:33

If animation is playing as it should in Blender and not in Copper than it's one of two things:

1. Your animation is using something that Copper can't process.
2. Your export plugin/format is creating errors.

If it's the first, make sure everything is universal: remove any possible vertex animation, make sure bone weights are good, check again armature names, join all meshes before export.

If it's the second: try experimenting with exporter features, try different formats, make sure everything is exported good by re-importing it back into Blender.

Since your animation is not very complex don't use FBX, try DirectX or B3D format. FBX has a mass of features that can sometimes make weird errors if not set correctly.

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