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Next level/scene system

Registered User
2019-02-05 21:51:23

I'm thinking about making a walk-to-load-levels system with loading bar/closeness bar, I would like to avoid mouse-based loading dialog boxes and clicks :)

The idea is:
Player is approaching 'loading area' for the next scene, the loading bar is starting to fill, when bar is at 100% the next scene starts. Player should be able to reverse direction of his movement and that should affect the loading bar (bar percentage should start to drop).

The only thing I can think of is making 10 invisible boxes that would fill a loading bar by 10% each and when player walks through the last one next scene starts :)

Can anyone think of a better way to do something like this?

2019-02-08 06:29:39

Heh, it would be fake, but it would probably work. :)

Registered User
2019-02-09 18:37:08

I figured out a better solution, it's not ideal but it works :) I've created a behavior for it: it calculates the distance between player and loading node & displays a fake 'percentage' when player is about 100 inches/pixels/feet, whatever the measurement is, that grows or lowers depending on players movement :)

I've made a thread on forum if anyone else needs it or wants to try it out:


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