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Swimming and UI

Registered User
2019-02-06 15:34:09

Hi, I'm new to copper cube and before I buy I would like to know a few things. I have a 3d model with swimming animations I just want to know is swimming in an underwater environment possible?

Also, I've seen no videos where devs were adding game UI's, is it possible?

Sorry if these are stupid question

Registered User
2019-02-06 18:35:18

Welcome! :) Nope these aren't dumb questions at all!

To put it simply, you can tweak the gravity settings in the root scene node (click on the root named "New 3D Scene1") and set it to something low such as 0.09 or a bit higher)

If you don't want to have moon gravity when on the land, you can have the default gravity set to something like 1 or 5 and once you enter the water (proximity event attached to a cube perhaps) then set the gravity with this (paste this code into a "Execute JavaScript" action) Thanks to tim12345!

var root = ccbGetRootSceneNode();

replace 0.09 with whatever value you find works best.

Use 2D overlays for game UIs. You can also have them animate when the mouse enters it by enabling the "On hover animate" parameter.

Hope this helps!

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