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Suggestions for change- Professional Edition
Registered User
2019-03-24 15:44:18

Hello all, new guy here with all his good ideas . I find that I am easily annoyed with computer programs that seem to miss the little things that make or break an enjoyable experience. You know what I'm talking about. for example, having to manually place your cursor in the username field on a login screen, it should be there automatically! So far, Rocket Cake is my favorite but it has little things that need attention. Enough with the intro, this is what I'm here for...

I paid for the professional edition of Rocket Cake and I am still seeing what I would call "nag" messages and laborsome processes to open projects when using the program.

I only have one project on the go and I find it boring to have to select it and open it manually every time I want to make a change. The program should know what I want and open it automatically.

Change suggestion 1: I would like to see a preferences option in the file menu that might allow me to set up some page preferences like opening the Rocket Cake program with my current project without having to create a shortcut in windows to the .RCD file.

That same preference option might also allow me to open my .RCD file with all my .HTML pages already open and accessible on the tab bar instead of having to double click on each page to open.

Change suggestion 2: When I publish to the internet I would like the program to automatically save my work and maybe even publish to local disk automatically. Very often I publish my changes to the internet and I want to x out of the program, I get a message warning me if I leave now my changes won't be saved. Maybe a master save button that does all three things?

Change 3: At least once every session, when I select publish to internet I get the message reminding me that this process will overwrite all the files. I select "don't show me this again" but when I open up rocket cake again later the same day, I will get the same annoying message.

That's it for now, maybe these things are already in the program and I missed it somehow. Let me know.

Anyway, thanks for listening, Cheers, Ben

2019-03-25 07:56:07

Thanks for the suggestions, make sense.
Yes, that "don't show me this again" is only for the current instance, maybe I'll add an option to not show this EVER again. Thanks!

Registered User
2019-04-25 08:33:36

I have made a shortcut of the "mysite.rcd" file on my desktop, and if I click that RocketCake start with mysite loaded, is that useful?

Registered User
2019-04-25 20:18:58

Hi Ben,

the way with the shortcut is good. I do it too. By this way you can also open more projects, if you need.

Open the project.
The menu 'file' (I have the german version and I don't know about the english one)
there is a point 'last projects', you can find your rcd, without searching.

That same preference option might also allow me to open my .RCD file with all my .HTML pages already open and accessible on the tab bar instead of having to double click on each page to open.

I hope I'll understand it rightly
This is a really problem, which wrote many times in this community.
When I change my site over the tab without doubleclick, I can see the site, but all preferences from the 'old' Site.
I hope in the next update it will be better - I hope oncemore.

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