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Everything Black when switched to Dynamic Lighting.

Registered User
2019-06-14 12:17:02

This problem came up since the first time I installed the engine. When I use dynamic lighting, buildings become black. I fixed it by adding light. But it still doesn't work with terrain even if I add light. Any help please.

Registered User
2019-06-15 17:52:52

You should make sure that the light's position is near with the object.
Or if you want to make the light a bit far from the object, increase the light radius (Only for light spot)

And for directional light, yes i agree. It's still has some bug.
Like, it will only light up half of terrain area.

2019-06-16 06:53:52

If you have imported static meshes and get this problem, its going to be in the mesh itself - somehow it has it own UV mapping or something affecting it. Maybe try load it into Blender and remove all such things ?

I have this problem at the moment but yet to fix it. Let me know if you find this fixes it...

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