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Model viewer web gl. choppy on ios, not on android

Registered User
2019-06-30 21:07:42

Hello all

SO i have a model viewer of a low poly house, uploaded it, and it looks all glitchy and choppy seemingly where any geometry intersects, like its z fighting with itself. This dosent happen at all on ios. Any thought?

Registered User
2019-07-01 13:31:35

I don't get it, you uploaded a Windows or WebGL export to What do you mean by iOS, did you access the uploaded html file with your phone or did you somehow convert Android export to iOS file? Or macOS to iOS (I've heard that Apple plans to merge iOS and macOS apps but it's not expected to happen earlier than 2021).

Registered User
2019-07-01 18:54:42

Sorry for not being clear. My bad. I exported a model viewer as a web gl file to I can access the web gl games on Both android phones and iphones, but for some reason the iphone version model seems to z fight with itself when moving the model around, causing a glitchy look on iphone. Its fine when it stops rotating. No issues whatsoever on the 2 android phones I have tried to open it with. Any ideas?

Registered User
2019-07-02 13:29:06

Aa I get it now, unfortunately I never had this issue.
I guess iOS & macOS have lot of similar things, maybe try exporting to MAC and see if the same thing happens. Also try few other portals, maybe Newgrounds or GameJolt, see if problem appears there.
I'm not sure if your accessing scene directly or through iframe, try opening the html file on directly.

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